
71 posts

BRC Mentor Program

We have set up an email for our mentoring program.  Mentor@beloitrifleclub.org

If you would like help learning a discipline, better understanding of your firearm, some instruction on range usage, maybe some tips or pointers in your shooting style or re-loading issues this is the email to start with. From there it will be directed to someone who can help you with your request.

Please include contact info and specifics into what you are looking for!

Also, if you feel you are qualified for something specific and would like to help mentor someone, please contact me and we will talk!

Looking forward to making this a success in helping others!

Julie Wagonerjuliebrc@yahoo.com

NRA Women On Target Event 2020

09/12/2020 Fourth Annual Women on Target event. 

Women On Target® Instructional Shooting Clinics create more opportunities for women to learn all about firearms, and to gain confidence in newly-acquired shooting skills. You will learn safe gun handling, proper
gun storage, and basic marksmanship using .22 caliber firearms. All firearms, ammunition and safety gear will be provided.

Saturday, September 12, 2020
All Day Event
30 seats available
$50.00 per person

Beloit Rifle Club
851 E. Philhower Rd.
Beloit, WI 53511

Registration 8:30 AM / Clinic 9:00 AM—3:30 PM
Visit our web site at: www.beloitrifleclub.org

Kim Frayne

Cancelled – 2020 NRA Day Program Youth Sports Fest

Saturday, May 9, 2020
8:00am – 4:00pm
Lunch is included!

In an increasingly urbanized world, young people are getting fewer chances to experience some of the shooting and outdoor activities we take for granted. Shooting gives young people the opportunity to participate in an exciting and challenging sport that may be enjoyed throughout their entire lifetime.

Sight-In Days Raffle Winners

The winners of the 2019 Beloit Rifle Club Sight-In days raffle are as follows:

• 1st Prize – Henry H006CML Mare’s Leg 45LC -Ticket # 5201- Greg Z.
• 2nd Prize – CZ 712 SA 12 ga 26” 3” mag – Ticket # 6163 – Javer G.
• 3rd Prize – Walther Arms Q5 Match 9mm – Ticket # 8677 – Mike C.
• 4th Prize – Howa Pkg. .223 – Ticket # 4683 – Gary L.
• 5th Prize – Smith & Wesson 642 38 Special – Ticket # 0240 – Ed S.
• 6th Prize – $200 Cash – Ticket # 6292 – Marsha S.
• 7th Prize – $100 Cash – Ticket # 2459 – Wally M.

Winners will be notified by phone to make arrangements to claim their prizes.


Sight in your rifle at the Beloit Rifle Club. $10.00 for the first rifle, and $5.00 per gun thereafter. Immediate family members under 18 – $5.00 per gun.

Beloit Rifle Members are there to help you. Minimum charge for experiences scope mounting. Approved targets & shooting benches are provided.

Pistols • Rifle * Shotgun * Black Powder * In Lines * Flintlock & Cap Cartridge

Nov. 2 & 3 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Nov. 9 & 10 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Nov. 16 & 17 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Nov. 20 (wed) 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

All shutters will be required to sign a disclaimer and must adhere to Beloit Rifle Club Safety Rules.

BRC Holster Drawing Certification

The purpose of this mandatory certification process is to allow select Beloit Rifle Club (BRC) members to be permitted to draw a loaded handgun from a holster in practice at the BRC Defense Range.

Structure of Certification:
The certification will consist of three parts. The first part is to read the entire policy. The second part is a classroom portion where the rules of the policy will be covered, your gear will be inspected, and a quick demonstration of the required skills will be provided. The final part of the certification is a practical demonstration of skills.

The administrators*** are responsible for the administration of this certification, curriculum and testing procedure development and application. A certification may be revoked or suspended at any time by the BRC Board, or their designee, including Range Officers (RO) or Match Directors.

After successful completion of all criteria, the member will be issued a lanyard that must be displayed while shooting on the defensive range.

There is a one-time $10.00 fee for the certification. This may change by order of the Board of Directors.

*** Administrators are a group consisting of Defensive Range, Multi-gun and NRA Instructor board members. They will oversee any future instructors. ?

BRC Holster Drawing Certification 10_24

For questions, contact BRC.holster@gmail.com

Attention all Beloit Rifle Club Members

Attention all Beloit Rifle Club Members:

On September 6, 2017, by action of the board of directors of the Beloit Rifle Club, Rule “O”, on page 6 of the 2017 Rule Book has been amended to read as follows: All firearms actions must be open or chamber indicated, unless holstered, sheathed, cased, or boxed until pointed down range on the firing line. When closing actions, all muzzles must be pointed down range at the backstop.

In addition, on September 6, the board has amended Rule “E” on pages 7 and 8 of the 2017 Rule Book. The previous 500 meter range has been changed to read: 200-300-500 meter range, firing points 13-18. This replaces all references to 500 meter range.

On October 4, 2017, by vote of the Board of Directors, basic range Rule “S” has been created and reads as follows: No drawing a loaded firearm from your holster. No walking, running, or changing firing points with a loaded firearm.

Board Approved Sanctioned Match rules can over-ride new Rule change “S” above.