Welcome to the Benchrest discipline page! Learn more about benchrest competition by checking out our Benchrest FAQ below.
Look below for updates about the league.
2022 Rimfire Benchrest Schedule
The preseason meeting is scheduled for April 9th at 9:00 am in the Main Clubhouse.
2022 League Shoots
All league shoots are from 8:00 to 10:00 am on the back 100 yd range, shooting at 50 yds.
May 14 and 28
June 11 and 25
July 9 and 23
Aug 13 and 27
Sept 10 and 24
Contact Dennis Munn @ 815-633-6831 for more information.
Q: What is ARA Benchrest?
The only rule for ARA is that the rifle is a 22LR. That means any make or model, any scope, any ammo. Any rest may be used to shoot from the bench. One piece rests separate front and rear rests, or sandbags may be used, so long as any such device prevents the barreled action from being affixed to the bench in an immovable manner.
Q: What sort of target is used in ARA?
The target has 25 bulls and is blue in color.
Q: How much time is allowed for each target?
You will have 20 minutes to complete each target. You mau shoot as many sighter targets as you wish, but record targets must be completed with the 20 minutes.
Q: What are the safety considerations?
After completing target of after 20 minute period all rifles must be racked in stands behind benches. Note: Wind flags may be used. Also barrel turners.
Q: What is Barnyard Benchrest?
Barnyard Benchrest is a 22 cal benchrest match.
Q: What type of equipment do you need in Barnyard Benchrest?
A North American made .22 rifle with the original stock, barrel and trigger. Any type of action is allowed. The rifle must retail or have a 1999 Blue Book (100% condition) for $500 or less. Glass bedding, trigger job, and recrowning of barrel allowed. No barrel turners allowed. Rifles must weigh 7.5 lbs. or less with scope. Scopes must be 9X or less. You can use a variable scope providing it is set at 9X. Ammo must be North American made. No wind flags are allowed. Any type of sand bag style rests are allowed. A front bipod may be used, but will be con- sidered as part of the total weight of the rifle.
Q: What sort of target is used in Barnyard Benchrest?
The targets for Barnyard Benchrest have 20 bulls rather than the 25 as in the other division. The bulls are slightly larger and are red in color.
Q: How much time is allowed for each target?
You will have 20 minutes to complete each target. You may shoot as many sighter targets as you wish, but recorded targets must be completed within 20 minutes.
Q: What are the safety considerations?
After completing targets or after 20 minutes all rifles must be racked in the stands behind the benches.