Junior Air Rifle:
I would like to invite all youth to come check out CMP Precision Air Rifle and NRA BB Gun. We can teach you rifle basics, three and four position. We have NRA certified coaches ready to get you going. Our group meets every Monday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (except Memorial Day and Labor Day) and every Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We are called The Beloit Rattlers Air Rifle Team. If you are between 8 and 17, can take direction, pass a range safety test and want to become a skilled rifle shooter, we are here for you. For information and to set up a tour, call LARRY ABBOTT 1-608-751-5271 and leave a message with name and phone number and best time to call. Also you may contact DENNIS LOERTSCHER.