To learn more about our Cowboy Action offerings, visit the Rock River Regulators website
Shooting Schedule:
April 6th
April 20th
May 4th
May 18th
May 31st, June 1st, and 2nd – Reckoning on the Rock
June 15th
June 29th – Wild Bunch Match
July 6th
July 20th
August 3rd
August 17th
August 31st – Wild Bunch Match
September 7th
September 21st
October 6th
October 19th
Registration starts at 7:30 am
Mandatory Safety Meeting at 8:45 am
Shooting starts at 9:00 am
For more information contact Cowboy Director: Tina Saporiti 815-721-2280
K. Rules for Cowboy Action Shooting – Updated and approved by Board on 11/2/2022
- Eye and ear protection required
- No jacketed bullets allowed on the cowboy range.
- At SASS sanctioned events, all SASS rules apply.
- Do not move shotgun targets.
- Pistol and rifle targets may be moved closer or farther away BUT must stay on the stage they are located at.
- Do not shoot freshly painted targets.
- All long guns shot at steel targets MUST be of pistol caliber.
- No firearm is cocked until the muzzle is pointed down range.
- No movement of the shooter’s feet is allowed with a loaded cocked firearm.
- Stages between the berms have a common firing line. A shooter may not go down range on a stage until all firearms on both stages are sagely secured.
- Only shoot the steel or clay pigeons on the range.
- Cowboy holster draw at cowboy range only. Precertification is required.
Cowboy Action Range SOP
- SAFETY is the most important element on this and any shooting discipline.
- All long guns shot at steel targets MUST be of pistol caliber.
- No firearm is cocked until the muzzle is pointed down range.
- The firing ranges (between the berms) have common firing lines. The shooter may not go down range until the stages between the berms have all firearms safely secured.
- Please do not move the shotgun targets since some are buried in the sand for a reason. If you add another unused target to shoot at, PLEASE return it to where you got it after you have finished shooting.
- Please do not shoot the freshly painted targets, that means there is a shoot the next morning. Usually, only 5 stages are painted at a time. If using the range please to shoot, use the other 7 unpainted stages.
- On this range, shoot only the steel or clay pigeons. If it’s not legal to shoot something on the front ranges, it is NOT legal on the cowboy range.
- Please pick up your refuse when finished shooting.
Rules for Drawing from a Holster on the Cowboy Action Range
- Drawing from a holster on the Cowboy Action Range is prohibited unless you have met criteria established by the Rules Committee in coordination with the Cowboy Action discipline leaders.
- Criteria:
- If you’re a Beloit Rifle Club Member that has successfully completed the Range Officer l and Range Officer 2 Class and have been signed off by the Cowboy Action Leader or Assistant.
- If you’re a Beloit Rifle Club Member that has been actively shooting Cowboy Action and have shot at least 6 matches and have been signed off by the Cowboy Action Leader or Assistant.
- If you are the spouse or offspring of a Beloit Rifle Club member and you meet one or both of the criteria (a. or b.) listed above and have been signed off by the Cowboy Action Leader or Assistant.
Cowboy Action Match Rules and Procedures
- All shooters MUST ADHERE TO ALL SASS (SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SOCIETY) RULES that are applicable to a sanctioned Cowboy Action Match which include firearm limitations: firearm calibers, bullet types, bullet velocity, and ammunition power factors.
- The muzzle of any firearm MUST NOT break the 170-degree rule on the firing line. At no time will the shooter sweep another person with either a loaded firearm (match disqualification) or unloaded firearm (stage disqualification).
- Transporting firearms to the loading table and from the unloading table MUST BE UNLOADED with any long gun empty, action open, and held with muzzles at least shoulder height.
- At the loading table, pistols are loaded with a maximum of 5 rounds with the hammer down on an empty chamber. Loaded rifles must have the hammer down on an empty chamber and shotguns must be open and empty. Loading is overseen by a designated person or another shooter at the loading table.
- A shooter may not leave the loading table with a loaded firearm unless called by the Timing Operator to the firing line.
- When a shooter is called to the shooting line by the Timer Operator, pistols must be holstered and long gun muzzles up and/or pointed down range.
- Once called to the shooting line, the shooter is under the control of the Timing Operator.? The Timer Operator insures there are three Spotters, before starting the shooter.
- Guns drawn from a holster WILL NOT in any circumstances be drawn or returned to the holster with the hammer down on a live round. A cocked pistol is also NOT ALLOWED to be returned to the holster.
- A shooter WILL NOT cock a pistol until it is pointed safely down range.
- Once the hammer is cocked, the shooter will adhere to the “Traveling” rule, one foot will be planted and no walking or running with a cocked gun.
- After completing the shooting stage, the shooter must proceed directly to the unloading table, where under review of a designated person or another shooter, each firearm is unloaded. After unloading the firearms, the shooter returns them to the gun cart.
- The Timing Operator queries the spotters and reports the elapsed shooting time and any observed misses or procedure penalties to the person recording scores.