Founded in 1925, our club is affiliated with the NRA, and supports a varety of shooting sports and marksmanship activities for our members from the Southern WI/Northern IL stateline area.

2025 Membership Renewal
Sunday, February 9
@Boundaries Bar & Grill
9am to 3pm

New Indoor Range

The Fall 2024 newsletter is now available.

Be informed, know your rights…

…until it’s ruled unconstitutional.

…and it IS! Thank you, Judge Stephen McGlynn.

See Ruling

Illinois citizens still have a fight ahead of them against the oppressive state but they are one big step further towards restoring their Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights.

NRA Renewal through BRC

Chartered in 1925 and affiliating with the National Rifle Association in 1927, the Beloit Rifle Club currently occupies 62 acres of land on Philhower Road, just north of Beloit.  This facility has become one of the finest in the Midwest featuring indoor and outdoor shooting and archery ranges.  Our membership of nearly 1100 travels from as far away as Chicago.

Our main goal – promoting a safe shooting environment for the following disciplines: Trap, Black Powder, Black Powder Cartridge, Pistol, Silhouette, Archery, High Power Rifle, .22 Cal Benchrest, Centerfire Benchrest, Cowboy Action, Civilian Marksmanship and Defense Pistol.

Our facilities have been used by the Rock County 4H Shooters, Boy Scouts, Young Marines, the Beloit Police Department, state policing organizations and Marine recruits.  Professor John Nickels of Beloit College brought his class to the range to learn about ballistics and to experience firing a pistol.  Safety education classes are also held.

Please note that outside of special events, use of the Beloit Rifle Club facilities is by membership or invitation only.