Our annual winter “FROSTY IRON CHALLENGE” was held on Saturday, January 23, 2021. The
weather was sunny, cool, and breezy for the day. We had a small turnout, only six people
participated. Larry Abbott was the Matcher Winner in Standard (Heavy) Class, hitting 20 out of
40 animals. Craig Stevens was the Match Winner in Hunter (Light) Class, hitting 22 out of 40
animals. Congratulations to Larry and Craig. I want to say thank you to everyone that
participated and those that came out to help.
The 2021 winter indoor .22 rifle and pistol Silhouette shooting season will be ending soon. We
shoot paper silhouette targets every Monday evening, on the indoor range, from 5:00 to 6:30
pm or so. Participation was down a bit again this year. The indoor season ends on Monday,
April 26th.
The 2021 weekly outdoor Silhouette target-shooting season will start on Thursday, May 6th.
We will shoot a 40 round practice match every Thursday night at approximately 5:15. In
addition, our 80 round monthly NRA sanctioned matches scheduled on Saturdays again this
year. The dates for these tournaments are May 22, June 26, July 24, Aug 21 [State
Championship], and Sept 18. All members are encouraged to participate. Also, members can
get in about six easy work hours if you come out and help for the day.
We have a beautiful, first class, high quality Silhouette shooting range. Come out this summer
and enjoy it with us. Again, all members are encouraged to join in the fun.
If you have any questions, call Steve Schmalz at 608-362-7172 for more details.
Have a safe 2021!
Steve Schmalz 608-362-7172
Silhouette Director