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News & Updates
BRC Members Only:We still have plenty of range lead available from the indoor range cleanup last month. We sold over 800 lbs but still have well over 2000 lbs available. Price is $0.45 per lb. Contact Brad Mueller at 815-218-2944 if you want some. I will make arrangements with you for pickup.
Alternate 2020 Spirit of America Matches
Sponsored by the Bald Eagles Rifle Club and the Winnequah Gun Club Inc.
Dates: September 8, 2020, thru September 13, 2020
Location: Winnequah Gun Club, W10219 Larson Dr., Lodi, WI 53555
Entries: Entries should be made on-line at:
Advanced entries are recommended. For your convenience you may charge your entry fee using a PayPal
account or credit card. For those unable to complete payment on-line, you may mail your payment to Bald
Eagles Rifle Club Treasurer, Bill Lair, 185 McIntosh E., LaCrescent, NM 55497-1824. On-line entries will be
accepted within a few days.
Entry Closing Date: Entries close September 3, 2020. If sending by mail, the entry must reach Bill Lair by
the 3rd. If not, enter on-line! There will be a competitor cut-off at 120 competitors.
Cancellation Policy: There will be a $20 no refundable cancelation fee on any and all cancelations.
Anyone, who has not cancelled three days prior to the first day of the Competition they are entered in, will
forfeiture their entire entry fee. Cancellations will be accepted by emailing:
Categories: Target rifle; F-Class (Open); F-Class (T/R). There will be separate awards for each category. FClass
(T/R0 may be combined with F-Class (Open) if there are insufficient entries to support a separate
Rules: The rulebook for NRA International Fullbore Rifle/NRA H.P. & F-Class will be used.
These Rule Books are available on the internet at: As
an addendum to Fullbore rules, all firing will be string fired, due to social distancing requirements, caused
by the Covid-19 crisis.
Competitor Eligibility: This competition is open to all. All competitors (including International
shooters) are encouraged to join the NRA USA. Applications are available at the Stat office or online at Cost for 1-year membership is $35.00. NRA-USA membership is required for setting National
Competitor Classifications: This is a classified match and will be conducted using the
current NRA International Fullbore Rifle Classification and NRA L.R. classifications system
in all matches.
Challenge Fees: Challenge fees on the firing line will be $5.00, paid at the time challenge,
refundable if the shooter wins the challenge.
Ammunition : Individuals must provide their own ammunition. All ammunition is subject to testing.
Target Rifle: For the SOA & RMP the bullet weight for the .308/7.62 must be less than 156
grains and the bullet weight for the .223/5.56 must be less than 92 grains.
F-Class: Ammunition must comply with rule 3.17.
Target Service: There will be no target pulling duties. Winnequah Gun Club uses the Silver Mountain ETarget
scoring system. Tablets will be provided to both shooters and scorekeepers.
Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI): Safety is paramount! Rifles will have actions open, magazines
removed, and an ECI inserted into the chamber at all times, except when on the firing line
during the preparation period, or during live firing. ECIs will be available for $1.00.
Procedure for Clearing the Line: At no time is a competitor to leave the firing line with a
loaded rifle! All competitors are responsible for safe rifles while on the firing line. At no
time should a competitor get out of position without having first placed an Empty Chamber
Indicator (ECI) into the empty chamber of his/her rifle. This must be verified by the competitor’s
scorekeeper. The penalty for violating this rule is disqualification for both competitor and scorekeeper.
Preparation Period : Once the competitors have their relay called to the line they may place
all their equipment on the line, except their rifles. Rifles must stay behind the ready line until the two
minute warning has been given. When given the two minute warning, the competitors
may bring their rifles to the line. The empty chamber indicator (ECI) must remain in the rifle until the three
minute preparation period has been called. The ECI may be removed, but no ammunition may be loaded
during the three minute preparation period. Anyone who fires a shot during the preparation period will be
scored a miss for the first record shot of that match. They will also receive no further sighting or practice
shots. Anyone who fires a shot prior to the preparation period or any other non-firing period will be
disqualified from the competition.
Squadding: All matches will be squadded by the Statistical Officer. Squadding will be available one hour
before the start of the match. Matches will start at 8 AM each day unless the Match Director makes an
announcement prior to the end of the match on the previous day.
Special Accommodations and Parking: Special provisions may be made for competitors who enter the
match as a Handicapped Competitor and/or a competitor who qualifies as a Grand Senior. Every attempt
will be made to accommodate competitors with special needs such as sharing equipment, providing such
needs are made known in a timely fashion. Very limited parking behind the firing lines. Vehicles
that will be allowed to park behind those yard lines must be approved by the Match
Director. They must also display an OFFICIAL RANGE VEHICLE notice on their windshield or
dash. Failure to follow the parking rule may result in disqualification for the day. It is
highly recommended to park in the existing parking area’s near the stat shack or behind
the 1000 yard line. Competitors over 70 years old will have priority.
Awards: The awards schedules for Target Rifle and F-Class (FT-R and F-Open) will be posted at the match.
Award groups must contain a minimum of 5 individuals to qualify for awards. Medals will be awarded to
the top three grand aggregate winners in Target Rifle and F-Class (FT-R and F Open) only. Grand Aggregate
winning teams in each category will also receive medals. There will be class awards for the Grand
Aggregate matches only. Awards will be given to match winners of the Daily Matches, Long and Short
Range Aggregates, and the Grand Aggregate. Awards will be given for the individual matches and the
team matches within 1 hour (approximately) following the challenge period on the day the matches are
shot. Daily Aggregate, Team Aggregates, and Grand Aggregate awards will be presented at the award
ceromony on September 13, 2020. (Approximately 1 hour after the final shot is fired.)
Special Individual Awards: High Junior, Senior, Grand Senior, Woman and Service will be awarded when 5
or more competitors are entered in any special category. Special Individual Awards are given only for the
Grand Aggregate. Service is defined as: Active Duty, Reserve or National Guard, Retired US Military, or
Veteran of US Military for SOA only.
Door Prizes: Donated merchandise prizes will be awarded by random drawing at the award ceremony.
Winners must be present to win.
Challenge Period : The Challenge Period ends 30 minutes after posting of the preliminary bulletin for each
Targets : 300 yards – MR63; 500 yards – MR65; 600 yards – MR1; 800, 900 & 1000 yards LR targets.
F-Class : 300 yards – MR63FC; 500 yards – MR65FC; 600 yards – MR1FC; 800, 900 & 1000 yards; LR-FC.
Team Entry Forms: Team Entry Forms, will be available at the Range.
Spirit of America Full Bore Prone Match
Tuesday September 8, 2020
Match T1
The Cimarron 4 Person Team Match
Stages at 300, 600, 900 and 1000 yards
A team shall consist of four firing members, a Team Captain and Coach who may be firing members. Each
firing member to fire 2 convertible sighting shots and 10 shots for record at 300, 600, 900 & 1000 yards.
Time limit at the short ranges will be 54 minutes per firing team and at the long ranges 66 minutes per
firing team. All competitors are encouraged to participate in the Team Matches.
Wednesday September 9, 2020
Match T-2
The Angel Fire 4 Person Team Matc h
(Sponsored by Sierra Bullets)
Stages at 300, 600, 900 and 1000 yards
Team number T-2 match is identical to T-1. “Same course of fire and same time limits.”
Thursday September 10, 2020
Match #1
The Shot Marker Target Match
300, 500, and 600 yards
300, 500 and 600 yards; 2 convertible sighting shots and 10 shots for record, string fire, in a time limit of
12 minutes, at each firing line.
Match #2
The R & R Design Match
900 yards
900 yards, 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record, string firing in a time limit of 22.5 minutes.
Match #3 – Daily aggregate #1
Camaraderie Trophy Match
The aggregate of Matches #1 and #2
Friday September 11, 2020
Match #4
The Sierra Bullet Match
300, 500 and 600 yards
300, 500 and 600 yards string fire; The same course of fire as Match #1.
Match #5
Pacific Tool and Gauge Match
1000 yards
1000 yards, 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record; 22.5 minute time limit, string firing.
Match #6 – Daily aggregate #2
The US Armed Forces Trophy Match
An Aggregate of Matches 4 and 5
Saturday September 12, 2020
Match #7
The McMillan USA Short Yards Match
300, 500, 600 yards
300, 500 and 600 yards string fire; same course of fire as Match #1
Match# 8
The McMillan USA Long Range Match
900 yards, 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record, 22.5 minutes string firing.
Match# 9 Daily Aggregate #3
The Freedom Trophy Match
An Aggregate of Matches #7 and #8
Sunday September 13, 2020
Match #10
The Sinclair International Match
300, 500, 600 yards
300,500 and 600 yards; the same course of fire as Match #1
Match #11
The Lapua Match
1000 yards, 2 convertible sighting shots and 15 shots for record, 22.5 minutes string firing.
Match #12 – Daily Aggregate #4
The End of the Trail Trophy Match
An Aggregate of Matches 10 and 11
Championship Trophies: These trophies will be awarded, but in name only. They currently reside at the
Eagles Nest, NRA Whittington Center, Raton, N.M.
The Spirit of America Championship
The Grand Aggregate of the 4 daily Aggregates: Matches #3, #6, #9, and #12 in both Target Rifle and FClass
The Spirit of America Short Range Championship Trophy
The Aggregate of Matches #1, #4, #7 and #10 in both Target Rifle and F-Class Categories. The Individual
Target Rifle award is sponsored by R ‘n R Design. The Individual F-TR award is sponsored by Powder Keg
Shooters supply.
The Spirit of America Long Range Championship Trophy
The Aggregate of Matches #2, #5, #8 and #11 in both Target Rifle and F-Class Categories.
Individual Target Rifle award is sponsored by Berger Bullets. Individual F-TR award is sponsored by Powder
Keg Shooters Supply.
The Spirit of America Combined Four Person Team Match Championship Trophy
To be eligible for this award, a team shall register under the same name for all 4-person team matches
with up to 6 members on the team. There shall be 4 firing members and a designated coach and captain.
The same team members must be on the team for all 4-person team matches, but individual designation
of captain, coach, firing members and alternates may change.
Awards Ceremony:
The Awards Ceremony for the Spirit of America Match will be held Sunday, September 13, 2020, at a place
and time to be announced at the Competitors Meeting in the morning.
Addendum # 1
- Merchandise Prizes will be awarded as door prizes at the Award Ceremonies. Competitors must be
present to win. We will have to play this by ear. - Match Bulletins will be available on line at: http// one week after completion of
the matches. - At the end of each daily match it would be appreciated if Club Members could help put the range in
order for the next day’s match. - Special Notice: As the Spirit of America is a FullBore Match, and due to the restrictions caused by the
Covid-19 Virus, all matches will be string fired, to accommodate the social distancing requirements. This
and any other ruling may possibly change prior or during the match. Remember: We all have to “Roll with
the Punches”. So, be prepared for last minute changes and announcements. Any changes will be
announced at the competitiors safety brief, every morning, on the firing line. - Medals: Winning Competitors, will be awarded NRA Championship medals after the first of the year,
due to Covid-19 complications with logistics. Winning competitors WILL receive them as promised by the