Frequently Asked Questions about the Benchrest Discipline:
Q.) What are the basics of Benchrest competition?
A.) Benchrest is a competition utilizing .22 caliber rifles from a shooting bench. The shooters fires upon paper targets with the goal of both accuracy and precision.
Q.) What are the rules?
A.) We follow both ARA and Barnyard competition rules
Q.) What equipment is required?
A.) ARA equipment as follows: Any 22 rifle, rest, ammo, and scope. Barnyard equipment is as follows: A North American made 22 RF with original stock, barrel, and trigger. Any type action is allowed. The rifle must retail (as of 12/08) or have 1999 Blue Book (100% condition) for $500 or less. Rifle must weigh 7.5 lbs or less with scope. Scope must be 6.5X or less. Variable allowed. Ammo must be American made.
Q.) Who are the matches open to?
A.) Currently the matches are shot only by Beloit Rifle Club members
Q.) When are matches shot?
A.) The season starts in May and ends in September. Shoots are Saturday mornings, subject to change, every other week for 10 weeks (see the Events Calendar for times).
Q.) How many Beloit Rifle club members currently shoot in the league?
A.) Currently 10-15 members shoot in our leagues
Q.) I’m new to benchrest and would like to learn, is there help available?
A.) Yes